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Cancelling orders before notification by email that they have shipped
You can cancel your order, provided it is within 14 days of placing the order. Email (alex [at] halfdropped [dot] com) to say you want a refund. Your money will be returned within 14 days of receipt of your email.
Returning faulty or damaged orders
You can return the order provided you email (alex [at] halfdropped [dot] com) with 14 days of receipt, explaining what the fault or damage is and including a photo of it. You must also say if you want a replacement or a refund. Send it back: you can use the original packing, but you will need to pay postage. You are responsible for safe return of the goods. If Alex receives your return within 14 days of your email, your replacement will be shipped, or your money will be returned, in either case within 14 days.
Returns after the order has shipped
You can return the order provided you email (alex [at] halfdropped [dot] com) with 14 days of receipt, saying you want to cancel. Send it back: you can use the original packing, but you will need to pay postage. You are responsible for safe return of the goods. If Alex receives your return within 14 days of your cancellation and the goods are as new, your money will be returned within 14 days.